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Liquid Bath Temperature calibrator

Liquid Bath Temperature calibrator

CALsys -80/50 / Autocal (-80 ~ 50°C)
  • Model : CALsys -80/50 / Autocal
  • CALsys -80/50 or CALsys -80/50 / Autocal 선택 가능
  • Temp range : -80 to 50°C
  • Stability: ±0.04°C at -80°C, ±0.07°C at 0°C, ±0.05°C at 50°C
  • Uniformity: ±0.05°C at -80°C, ±0.09°C at 0°C, ±0.07°C at 50°C

제품 사양

Model CALsys -80/50 / Autocal
Temp range -80 to 50°C
Stability ±0.04°C at -80°C
±0.07°C at 0°C
±0.05°C at 50°C
Uniformity ±0.05°C at -80°C
±0.09°C at 0°C
±0.07°C at 50°C
Temperature Resolution 0.1°C
Time to Reach Min. Temp 2 Hrs
Medium Methanol
Controlling Sensor PT100
Volume 9 Ltr.
Access Opening 90x 90 mm
Depth 200 mm
Method of control Digital self tuned PID Controller
Emissivity 0.95 ±0.01
Computer Interface RS - 232
Dimensions 630 (W) x 1200(H) x 500 (D)mm
Instrument Weight 135 Kg
Input Four Channels (One master and three test sensors),
high-quality LEMO connector suitable for both T/C and Rtd.
Software The calibrator will be provided with software for data recording (Manual Mode) and report generation in Auto Mode.
Data Logging Data Logging facility with logged data export to the computer through LAN port (Optional USB)

제품 상세 설명

  • Large Immersion Depths
  • High Accuracy
  • High Stability and Uniformity
  • Wide Temperature Range
  • PC Interface
  • Simple to use and Cost effective