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Heating Skid Systems

Heating Skid Systems

Heating Skid Systems
  • Skid는 일반적으로 가스 작동 터빈, 발전기 또는 기타 공정 애플리케이션과 같은 다른 장비에 공급하기 전에 가스를 이슬점 이상으로 사전 가열하는 데 사용됩니다.

제품 사양

제품 상세 설명

Fuel Gas Heater Skids are sub-assembly of a complete fuel gas conditioning system or fuel gas filtration package skids. The heating systems are used to preheat the fuel gas to the desired temperature at a specified pressure and flow rate, prior to feeding to the actual process or further circulations.

The specially designed Fuel gas heating skids help to monitor, regulate the gas flow with multiple safety features for trouble-free and risk-free operation. The system is designed considering the incoming gas properties along environmental conditions to achieve the desired outlet flow conditions.

The skids are generally used for preheating the gas above its dew point, prior to feeding into the other equipment such as Gas operated turbines, generators, or other process applications. The system can also be used for superheating the gas for other industrial applications.


Each fuel gas heater skid is a custom-made design to suit respective process specifications. A typical Fuel gas heater skid system consists of:-

  • Electric Heater Bundle
  • Pressure Vessel or housing for the heater bundle
  • Control panel for the heater operation control
  • Temperature sensors such as RTDs, Thermocouples, Temperature transmitters
  • Pressure safety valve
  • Valves for flow control
  • Power & Instrument Wiring
  • Skid base for easy installation at site

3D Design Model

3D Design Model